Salvatore Siena

Salvatore Siena

Salvatore Siena is Full Professor of Medical Oncology, Università degli Studi di Milano (La Statale), Milan, Italy, and Director of Niguarda Cancer Center, Department of Hematology and Oncology, and Falck Division of Oncology, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda,...
Giuseppe Viale

Giuseppe Viale

Giuseppe Viale, MD, FRCPath, graduated from the University of Milan in 1976. He became a specialist in pathology in 1979, and is now full professor of Pathology and Director of the Post-graduate Medical School in Pathology at the University of Milan School of...
Renata Maria Grifantini

Renata Maria Grifantini

She earned a Doctoral Thesis in Biology, a PhD in Molecular and cellular biology, and Professional certification as Biologist. During her university degree and afterwards, she was visiting scientist at the Max Planck Institute, Berlin. She dedicated most of her...
Noemi Di Marzo

Noemi Di Marzo

Dr Noemi Di Marzo graduated in Medical Biotechnologies in 2018 at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). During her academic career she moved to Poland (Gdansk) where she was involved in the characterization of new transgenic mouse models produced via...
Luca Sorrentino

Luca Sorrentino

Luca Sorrentino is a biotechnologist with a PhD in Biomolecular Sciences (Università degli Studi di Milano, 2015) and a master in Pharmaceutical Management (ISTUM, 2020). During his academic career, he specialized in structure-based drug design projects. From 2016 to...